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About the Test

Our professional team give answers to questions you may have about the test.

About the Bowel Scope Screening test

Everyone in your area aged 55 to 59 is being offered bowel scope screening whether or not they have symptoms or a family history of bowel cancer.


Bowel scope screening involves a procedure called Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, which uses a thin, flexible tube with a camera to examine your lower bowel. The tube is sometimes called a flexiscope or flexisig. The test is designed to find and remove polyps, reducing your chance of developing cancer dramatically.


Before you come along for screening, you probably have questions about what will happen, how the test works and why you should attend. 

There’s plenty of information here, along with video clips from people who’ve had the test – to help you understand what to expect.

Nurse Consultant Margaret Vance explains why this test is important when you reach age 55.

Before your test

On the day of your test you’ll need an enema. This is because your bowels must be empty for us to carry out the screening. 


If you prefer, you can bring the enema to the hospital where staff will be able to help you. We request that you call us in advance to let us know you will be doing the enema at the hospital and arrive at least 30 mins before your appointment.


You can easily use the enema yourself at home too – you’ll receive a pack in the post with everything you need and instructions.  If you’re using the enema at home, do it an hour before leaving for your appointment.


The enema comes in a small plastic pouch with a nozzle. It’s simple to use, just squeeze the liquid from the pouch into your bottom. You will poo quickly after the enema, leaving your bowel empty and ready for the test.

Once you arrive for your appointment a nurse or doctor will explain what will happen and answer any questions. 

The enema is easy to use and you can do it at home or at hospital before your test.

Assistant Screening Practitioner Nicola Palmer talks through what happens on the day and gives answers to some of the common questions about the test.

How the test works

A Flexible Sigmoidoscopy involves a trained doctor or nurse inserting the tube into your bottom whilst you lie on your side. They will pump in a small amount  of air to expand your bowel and they will examine you for polyps. 


Polyps are harmless growths, which can over time become tumours.  Removing polyps dramatically reduces your chance of getting bowel cancer in the future. 


If they find polyps they will usually remove them there and then, preventing them from leading to cancer. They may also take a small sample of your bowel tissue to examine it under a microscope.


They will tell you straightaway if they’ve removed any polyps or if you need any further tests.  If any signs of cancer are found, you will receive treatment. This will have a much better chance of success than if your cancer had been diagnosed once you were experiencing symptoms.


The procedure will last between 15 and 20 minutes and you’ll be able to go home or back to work afterwards.

Remember – The test is for everyone aged 55 to 59, not just people with symptoms.  

How it feels

Most people find the test, and the removal of polyps, completely painless. You may feel mild bloating or cramps as air is introduced into the bowel, but this will go away quickly.


A small number of people (around one in 3,000) will experience bleeding after the test. This will be treated by a doctor immediately. If you have any pain or bleeding after the test contact the hospital or your GP straightaway.

Remember - For most people the test is painless, with no after-effects.


National Bowel Screening Hub Helpline: 0800 707 6060 to order a home-test kit, book an appointment, and general inquiries about bowel screening. Open 9am to 5pm.

St. Mark's Bowel Screening Health Promotion: 020 8869 3376 to speak to the Health Promotion team to arrange a talk, training session or raise awareness

St Mark's Hospital website

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