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Watch other people's stories

Watch our selection of videos of FOBt and Bowel Scope patients.

Mr Patel's Story

Mr Patel, the ex-Mayor of Brent, explains his recent experience of bowel cancer screening and why it is important to carry out the home screening test sent every two years once you reach the age of 60.

"It’s a very simple process, I did not suffer any pain or discomfort, and it did not take much time. And they found it. They confirmed it is there. When you receive a test kit in the post, you must act on it immediately.”

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In this second video Mr Patel tells his story in Gujarati.

Francesca's Bowel Scope story

Francesca explains how she would never have known she had polyps without going for the test. She encourages anyone who gets the Bowel Cancer Screening invitation to "go for it". 

"The whole procedure is very simple.. The team is very professional and informative.."

Patricia's story

Patricia was initially nervous and thought she would be embarrassed - but her experience of Bowel Cancer Screening was very positive.


She also had two polyps removed reducing her chance of getting bowel cancer.

"It was over so quickly, I returned back to work.. Effectively I had the procedure in my lunch break."

Peter's Story

St Mark's patient, Peter, explains about his Bowel Cancer Journey at St Mark's Hospital. The video also explains some of the other work taking place at St Mark's Hospital & the Bowel Cancer Screening Centre. 

Note: Skip to 4m 16s to hear the rest of Peter's story

"...Here I am today, as fit as a butcher's dog..."

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